Reserve Bank Staff & Officers Co.Op. Credit Society Ltd.
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  • Matheran Holiday Home (SAKAR)

  • The up-gradation of Matheran Holiday Home was completed. As desired by members, there is continious up-gradation in the holiday home. The changes made in the room have been well accepted by  the members as it has increased size of the room. Changes in Verandas and elsewhere is also appreciated by one and all. There is sharp increase in visitors and during the reporting year 381 members have visited teh Holiday Home.

  • Insurance Agency

  • Policies of 41 members worth Rs. 41.95 lakhs were sold by the society and Rs. 1.95 Lakhs were received as commission. Recently LIC has notified us that hereafter they will charge Rs. 400/- as policy assignment charges. The committee took view that if policy is purchased from society the assignment charges will be borne by society itself, but if the policy is purchased from outside agency then policy holder will bear this assignment charges.  During the Reporting year we settled the 193 claims amounting to Rs. 89.64 Lakhs .

  • Card Calendars

  • This year we have introduced an additional feature in this calendar. All lunar days as per shaliwahan Shaka were given in the 12 months calendar and this effort was applauded by one and all. We distributed 17000 cards calendars to our regular members and retired members

Up To: 31/Mar/2015(Approx)

  • Deposit: Rs. 291,11,10,931
  • Loan: Rs.156,09,84,169
  • Members: 8124
  • Branches: 5